Blog entry by Nkiruka Sowari

Picture of Nkiruka Sowari
by Nkiruka Sowari - Friday, 28 May 2021, 11:57 PM
Anyone in the world

It makes sense that to get to a destination; you need to know where and the circumstance around which you are starting from. This is the logic behind this framework.  It is basically a tool that helps in the making of better decisions by assessing the current situation. They are divided into four main groups:

1.      Simple situations.

2.      Complicated situations

3.      Complex  and the  

4.      Chaotic situations

Simple/Obvious situations: These situations are made up of knows that are known. Well established cause and effects. In such situations, we can use our senses, categorize and respond to an action on the basis of best practice. e.g. help desk problems

Complicated situation: These situations have several correct solutions and some information. So the senses have to be used and the options analyzed, establishing a relationship and making a decision.

Complex situation: The outcomes are unpredictable and not straightforward, so the best thing is to probe, before we can use our sense to respond. Many business situation fall here.

Chaotic situation : In this situation there is no relationship between cause and effect. As the name implies, there is a need to act and respond as quickly as possible. The first point of call is to establish stability. This is common in emergency scenarios


It helps flexibility and adaptability in making decisions, adjusting style to fit circumstance
